Woodberry Public School

Respect - Commitment - Responsibility

Telephone02 4966 2044


Week 4- Return to School Dismissal Procedures

Week 4- Return to School Dismissal Procedures

Week 4- Return to School Dismissal Procedures  (PDF 240 KB)

As you are aware, the remainder of our amazing students return to school on Monday 25th October 2021.

To comply with the NSW Health and Department of Education guidelines, we have updated changes in our dismissal procedures from Monday 25th October 2021. As our students arrive at different times in the morning, we will not be implementing staggered start times. Staff will be at the front gate to direct the students to their designated play areas before the bell.

These changes have been made in order that, as much as possible, our student cohorts do not mix; they will also be eating and playing separately at recess and lunchtimes, as well as in the mornings on arrival to school. This structured dismissal plan is also to provide the opportunity and space for parents to practise social distancing at these times. As such, we ask that parents do not crowd at the gates. It is appreciated that you wear a face mask at all times when waiting for students and please encourage your primary age children to also wear masks while at school unless they have a medical or other reason not to wear a mask.

We are aware that this process may take longer than usual and would like to reassure everyone that students will not be left unattended. Teachers will stay with their classes and will dismiss students as they see their parents. As we are utilising many exit points, it is necessary that you are waiting in a reasonable distance for teachers to see you and not waiting in your car for your child.

Your child will be sent to you in an orderly manner after we have ensured they can see you. If you wish to speak to your child’s teacher, you are able to send them a Seesaw message, email or call the school.   Please be respectful of business hours when you do so. Please ensure all loaned school devices are returned when your child returns to school.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact the school if you would like any further information.

Sarah-Jane Hazell
